Thursday 24 February 2011

Piers Morgan - CNN - Can't Not Notice

Hey all you blog fans out there, just chilling out to a bit of Status Quo and thought I’d write something for this blog. Thanks for all the nice comments I have received recently, it has been much appreciated. What I want to talk here, you may not have seen, but you may have heard about through the internet. It is most prominent through Twitter.

I’m talking about Piers Morgan here, that guy we all love to hate. He really rubs people up the wrong way, most notably Lord Sugar, and you don’t want to get on the wrong side of him. Piers, starting out in journalism, he seem to have made his way onto television very slowly but surely. His roles in America and Britain’s Got Talent are things he was most famous for either side of the pond. He only got the job in America because Simon Cowell recommended him as he wasn’t available to take part.

Piers has also had the celebrity chat shows and such, where he talks to famous people about their lives. I found with these shows was that a majority of it was what I would call fluff. The guests got more and more bizarre also. I can understand Richard Branson, Bruce Forsyth among others, but why Kym Marsh or even Cheryl Cole. In a show which focuses on people’s lives, why have people who have hardly lived. Sure they’ve had bad experiences but you just don’t have the scope that you have with the heavyweight veterans.
He also did those programmes where he follows people around. This sounds like a programme for a stalker but this is not the case. His programme on Cliff Richard was ok, but it seemed like Piers was the one doing the talking not Cliff. This is where the criticism comes in, Piers can sometimes override his guests and suddenly it’s the Piers Morgan hour. Luckily when he did Lord Alan Sugar, he was put in his place. Speaking of Alan putting him in his place, have you seen Twitter? Some of the posts between these two have been hilarious. It all spawns from Piers’ new venture into America, as host of a CNN show, which replaces heavyweight Larry King. I wish Piers the best of luck with this, as it’s a refreshing change to see an Englishman have such a big solo slot in America, I’m sure Lord Sugar wishes him luck secretly.

I actually watched his show on CNN, as it is broadcast in the UK also. I caught the Anthony Hopkins show. I found the content to be very dry and very much aimed at a niche market. No longer is he working for a company that loves shiny things and fluff, this is serious business. So those who are hoping to tune in to hear Barrack Obama talking about his socks will be most disappointed. He spent his time talking to Hopkins about religion all because of his new film.

Anyway, this is the end of my post about Piers Morgan, if you have any comments about this subject, then please don’t hesitate to comment. If Piers wants to respond to anything I’ve said here, I won’t stop him!

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