Monday 7 February 2011

Glee - What's It All About?

Hey blog fans out there. This is rather a puzzling post, as I wanted to write something about Glee. Only problem is, I’ve never seen an episode of “Glee”, I only have the hype that surrounds it. The way I see it, as an outsider, it just seems like something that has come from the success of High School Musical. Let’s make a musical set in a school. Only difference is, Glee uses already established songs and artists for its musical material.
I personally don’t get it, the covers sometimes seem auto tuned in some songs, or maybe I’m wrong. Not that I have a problem with auto tune as long as it’s used for creative purposes. Looking at Don’t Stop Believing, it’s approach is clever, but what with all the hype around the original in recent times, isn’t it just jumping on the bandwagon? I don’t know really. The dance routines are probably quite good, but can’t help thinking its just easy programming. It’s been a phenomenon in the last few years, the comeback of the musical. I, for one, welcome it but there’s something about shows like Glee that seem false. I mean, like they don’t have a pure sense of a real musical about them. Thinking of High School Musical and Hairspray, they seemed natural in their first incarnations but anything after that seems to be milking its value.
The commercial arm of this whole thing has gone out of control too. There are loads of compilation albums of the covers from the show. They are virtually new interpretations of the songs. It’s the old rule; someone hears something on TV then goes to buy it. These record labels and TV stations certainly know how to work the audience. I guess it’s a good thing as the audience are perhaps experiencing music they would not have usually taken a look at, or perhaps just gives the viewers more versions of Pokerface or Holiday for their digital collection.
So there you have it, an article about Glee from someone who knows nothing about Glee. Just thinking about covers, just listening to a group called “The Silicon Teens”, a synth based group who do Rock and Roll covers. It’s creative, and very easy to listen to! Anyway, thanks for reading and please leave any comments you may have about Glee or related subjects.

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