Thursday 10 February 2011

Blog TV - CCTV in your bedroom, with some guy on chat.

Hi all you blog fans out there. Just chilling to the Silicon Teen’s version of Memphis Tennessee and thought I’d come on and write a blog. Since the last post, I learnt many new things. One of those things was that they are making a Mr Men movie. First off, what are they thinking? Still, I will hold off any reservations and critique until I see something more concrete about the story and the film.

As some will be aware, I have been doing this thing for two weeks or so and I think I’ve got the hang of it now. I have done blogs before but this is the first regular one where I have something to say. I used to do video blogging/broadcasting through a few years ago; it’s not the same I know. I enjoyed it but then you realise it’s you on video and random people talking to you; but still I enjoyed it at the time.
The whole concept of Blog TV is an interesting concept. It’s a chat room with someone on camera talking to you, similar to the BBC’s web chats; although the person talking to you is someone in their bedroom eating a bacon sandwich. It doesn’t seem gripping but somehow, it is.

It’s this whole human nature thing where we like to peer into other people’s world. Facebook is a great example of this. Still, Blog TV doesn’t just cater for the UK, it’s all over the world. Americans have certainly taken to it, with America’s Third Party broadcasting to a worldwide audience. Some of the American broadcasters I encountered during my journey with it were fascinating; it was like looking into a different culture. The only difference is they give their consent.

There are dangers with this thing though, such as you don’t know who is watching you; it could be anyone. There are a lot of musicians out there who use it, and probably love the attention they deserve. It’s just that a majority of the output on the website is just people sitting in their bedroom waiting to talk to people. What is funny is that some people when they do get viewers get all excited. This makes it entertaining somehow.
Anyway, that’s my view of Blog TV. It’s not all good, but then something like this is going to have its faults and critics. If you have any opinion on this, then please get in contact by leaving a comment below.

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