Tuesday 22 February 2011

Chuckle Brothers - The Music Stopped, Sadly

Hi all you blog fans out there. Hope you are keeping well and enjoying what this blog has to offer. At this time, it feels like the blog offers nothing but we’ll see if that changes in due time. It’s been interesting to see feedback, sent through other services, about this page. It’s been very positive and I love the idea of audience participation in the subjects I discuss.
I’ve been looking into a childhood favourite recently. If you are like me, you watched these two guys on regular occasions just to see their hi-jinx and formulaic comedy routine. When I was really young, I used to say their names without saying their known surname. I’d go, Barry, Paul, Barry, Paul. People at this time mistook what I say and thought I was saying Barrymore, which is a different thing altogether!

I am of course talking about the Chuckle Brothers, Paul and Barry, who have delighted us with their presence with Chucklevision since 1987. Although I think the shows have become quite predictable, they are still fun to watch. Their Laurel and Hardy like routine is timeless, their catchphrases are easy to remember, and the Chuckmobil, or whatever it was called, is the one thing children want to have a go at driving!
I’m not here to talk about the TV series though, or the stage show, but the short lived music career of the brothers. I stumbled upon it by accident when looking through Youtube. There is a video on Youtube for the song, “Silly Me, Silly You”. This is a reference to another one of their catchphrases, and you know what, it is not that bad. I find myself repeating it and repeating it. Barry’s actually not a bad singer, Paul isn’t too bad either. I can see why they do stage shows every year, some with this song included.
It was when I tried to obtain a copy of the album, To Me To You, that I stumbled upon problems. There were not any copies on Amazon and Ebay had one copy, which went for under £10. It came to my attention that it was a rare album. I think this is a shame as it means people can’t experience in its native form; watching on Youtube just doesn’t have the same feeling for me.
Anyway, I guess I should end this post by saying, if you get the opportunity, give it a listen, you might be pleasantly surprised. That’s all from me for now, but if you have any comments on this subject, then please don’t hesitate to comment on this post.

1 comment:

  1. I'm listening to 'Silly Me, Silly You' now and I have a vague recollection of it.
    It's scarily catchy and actually quite good! :)
