Sunday 6 February 2011

Mr Men - Did You Watch It?

Hi all you blog fans, I want to try something different this time. It comes along the line of the children’s show theme I have talked about in recent times, and is yet another show from yesteryear. This one though, is not just a classic show, but can also be classed as an adaptation. I am talking about the Mr Men series, narrated about Author Lowe, broadcast in the early 70s right up to the 80s. When I was younger, I had a VHS of the series, which I got many plays of enjoyment out of.

For those who haven’t heard of the Mr Men, or Little Miss for that matter, then where have you been? The television series was adapted from the books by Roger Hargreaves. The stories were simple, the character designs were simplistic, but we loved it. There was Mr Happy, Funny, Tickle, Forgetful among others. I won’t ask you to name them all as you’ll probably go onto Wikipedia and look.

I loved the series as it was simple animation and an enjoyable pleasant watch. The style is reminiscent of the Mr Benn series which came about the same time. I often found that series rather slow in comparison. Ray Brooks does a good job on that series with the voice though, although Lowe’s delivery is surprisingly good. You don’t expect the man from Dad’s Army to have such a wide vocal range.

I said I was going to do something different with this post, so here it is. I want to know if you used to watch Mr Men when you were younger and if you still think it stands up today. This is not as easy as it sounds. This entire post is from a nostalgic point of view. As I grew up watching these, my view of things is going to be slightly rose tinted. I personally think, all nostalgic feeling aside, that these stories are timeless. Everything is so simple that it would fit into a children’s schedule quite easily if it was given the time of day.

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