Thursday 3 February 2011

Dumbing Down in Children's Television - A Short Blog

Hi there blog fans, Jamie here with yet another blog. I’ve been trying to do these daily but sometimes can be stumped at what to write about. If anyone has any ideas, which are media related, then please get in contact. I would love to hear from you!
So this brings me to today’s blog, and what to write. Right at this time of writing, I am watching classic 70s series “Ace Of Wands”. It is something I haven’t seen before in full episode form. It struck me how much it is a standard drama, which doesn’t seem to have the qualities of a programme aimed at children. Strangely enough this is its intention. One thing I know about it, it has a great theme tune, sung by Andy Bown of Status Quo and Judas Jump fame.
So when thinking about this show, does the show really go with their intended audience? I guess the best example genre to look at is shows aimed at children. It is my belief that children which were made before 2000 are quite intelligent in their approach. Look at something like “How”, its premise is educational, perfect for children. Its approach is simplistic but it is intelligent enough for an adult to sit and watch it and not feel intimidated. One of the few clips I have seen of “How” involved Fred using a potter’s wheel. This clip is hilarious and entertaining at the age of 21 as it would’ve been at its intended target audience.

With all the discussions about children’s television being dumbed down, you have to look at examples. I personally felt there have always been parts of the genre which have been dumbed down. If you go back to the Watch With Mother days, don’t things like Andy Pandy seem intimidating? Some would argue no as its intended audience wouldn’t see it like that. Take another example, Charlie Chalk from the 1980s. It’s the same kind of audience, but the writing in it is cleverer and funnier. It might also seem like there is a less educational concept in it but you do learn things from the show.
Anyway, I am going to end this post and ask your opinion on the dumbing down of television and if these shows fit their intended audience range?

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