Sunday 30 January 2011

TV Series - length differs!

Hey all, apologies for not posting yesterday, was busy! So I have been thinking about what to post here. Sometimes I find it difficult to think about what to write about here. As has been said in my previous posts, I’ve been following the new comedy series “Episodes”. This is a series which is being broadcast on Showtime in the US and BBC in the UK.

It runs over 6 episodes, the amount usually made for the average series in the UK. The Americans have series of over 24 episodes. It made me wonder why the Americans run things for so long. It might account for they have many channels and have many hours to fill. It is generally true that the UK series tend to run longer but still have fewer episodes overall than foreign series.
Let’s take an example, Fawlty Towers ran for 12 episodes over 2 series. Friends, by its second series, had just over 40 editions. Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, an Australian series, had 39 episodes by the end of its first series. If anyone knows why series in different countries run for different lengths, please let me know.

Now that TV series are available on DVD and Blu Ray these days, you can pick full series really cheaply. I find that American and series from other countries are generally better value than those of the UK. One series of classic sitcom Desmonds, containing 6 episodes from the first series, costs just over 5 pounds on Amazon. Skippy, the previously mentioned series, costs around 7 pounds if you look in the right place. It is amazing how the price is virtually the same but the amount of episodes is so much more. I guess it is down to the individual. If they really like the show, they will be willing to pay money for it to see it.
Anyway, this is a post today, but will be sure to write more articles as soon as I can. Please leave comments if you have an opinion on any issues raised in my articles.

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