Thursday 27 January 2011

Ebay - A good way?

Hi there. I want to talk to you about Ebay and the process of shopping online. Wow I sounded like Jon Bentley then! Do you remember a time when the world wasn’t obsessed with Ebay and internet shopping? I certainly can. You can get almost anything on there now. You can get many things, whether you want clothes, a DVD or even a new car. The issue is, most of the time you are buying from everyday people. Not everyone is honest out there. I’d had many happy purchases with Ebay, but I’ve had some bad ones too. It really can go either way.

Like you can have issues where you can receive an item and it doesn’t work. I’ve had this; you need to ask for a refund. Most of the time, the seller will be happy to give you a refund. I’ve had cases where the item doesn’t turn up at all. I can admit this was my fault as I had recently changed address and although my Ebay address was right, the Paypal address was the old one. Many people get caught out with this. Sellers tend to send to the Paypal address, so it is advisable to make sure its all up to date. Don’t want the new tenant seeing a new blouse you bought.

As I said before, Ebay can be a wondrous thing. Anything is possible. The same can be said for the more conventional internet sellers such as Play and Amazon. Both have features which allow you to buy from normal people, most of the time at a reduced price. Instead of paying £5 for a book, you pay £3. The only problem with this is that they charge you for posting. If you are buying from Amazon themselves, they will offer you free delivery but naturally this will take longer to arrive. The prices on these sites are generally cheaper than the high street stores. Something costing £30 in HMV will be almost half that online. It may strange that it is a much higher price but many things need to be taken into account such as the cost of running the store etc.

So what is it about Ebay which makes millions of us buy from there? I think it may be a case of many different things. We know it can be cheaper to buy from other people as opposed to bigger companies. For some of us it is more convenient to do so. Maybe there is something which is not available anymore commercially that some lucky person might have. I’ve been known to get many vinyl’s of obscure records for the use of my radio show. Many of the older gaming consoles have their old games on there. Although some of the rarer stuff tends to be way over the originally intended price.
There is a saying that when you buy from a situation like Ebay or a car boot sale, you are buying someone else’s problem or someone else’s rubbish. This is true in some ways, but sometimes you just got to take the gamble!

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